Thursday, October 20, 2011

Live, Work, Play and Learn Here!

One of our area communities has the motto –Live, Work and Play Here!!  At Iowa Lakes we can say “Live, Work, Play and Learn Here!!”  With all of this you will most likely find yourself pulled in many different directions while trying to balance the areas of your life. Too much studying may create stress while too much playing may also get in the way of goals.

The juggling act of your personal life (LIVE),   a job or family demands of keeping the household running (Work), a social life and entertainment (Play) and taking a class or classes (Learn Here).  With all this you will most likely find yourself pulled in different directions.  Too much studying may create stress, while too much play and fun will get in the way of your educational goals. The juggling of Live, Work, Play and Learn Here” is about making good decisions and focusing your energy in positive ways.  

Make sure you are aware of resources to assist you at Iowa Lakes Community College. The Student Services area encompasses a wide range of services including the Success Center, Educational Counseling, the Career Resource Center, Registrar’s Office, Library and Financial Aid.