Thursday, September 15, 2011

Email Ettiquette

Email Etiquette..
All capital letters – I can hear you!!
Welcome to the world of digital communications, where what you write and intend to say can be worlds apart from what is read by the reader.  A friend likes to type in all capital letters, this is rude in email etiquette as it is though you are screaming at the reader – even if it is good news and you are excited.   “GUESS WHAT", "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TODAY?” can feel a lot more sharp and bristly than a calmer greeting, “What are you doing today after work? Let's go for supper”.

There are many articles and writing out there on email etiquette.
Common email etiquette hasn’t changed much, but people seem to forget that the email signature at the bottom of the page needs just as much attention as the rest of the message.  The content of your message should certainly be the focal point of your email, but the signature might be the last thing the readers sees and ultimately the one thing they remember about your email – or even you. Who is the message from??
A signature – what for you ask??
Are you emailing or texting a friend or coworker?  If not, then do not assume that the recipient will know exactly who you are, what class/course you are in or who you are. You may need to specifically identify yourself toward the beginning of the body of the email and/or include your name, the class you are in or what you are corresponding about. ”
Email and texting is so second nature to many students and workers that they forget the formalities of introduction that you don’t take for granted when meeting someone for the first time in person or on the telephone.
An email signature should have a few key elements:
  • Full name
  • Course/class name
  • Section or time of day
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
Yes, the signature may actually be longer than the message but what information is pertinent to the receiver of your message if it is college or business related?

What does an email address say about you?A few signature items can make you seem unprofessional?  What does your email address say about you?
Some people even have fun with their signatures. The famous “Sent from my…” messages that are tacked on to many smart phone, ipads, blackberry's.
Do you have some email/texting pet peeves or etiquette to share? 

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